New firefighters protect region’s best assets

SEASONAL project firefighters (from left) Michael Morgan, Xavier Wells and Wolfgang Hodgson-Lane have been protecting the Grampians and Rocklands this season with Forest Fire Management Victoria, under the direction of operations coordinator, Adam Glenn. See story Page 5. Photo: CHRIS DOHENY.

WOLFGANG Hodgson-Lane, Michael Morgan and Xavier Wells are the newest team of Project Firefighters (PFFs) at the Cavendish Forest Fire Management depot.

The seasonal Project Firefighter program brings in extra firefighters throughout summer to help prevent fires in the Grampians and Rocklands and provide extra support during fire events.

This is the first summer each of them has been in the job.

Xavier has spent the last five years with the army in Darwin, and after transitioning from that environment he was looking for outdoor work that challenged him.

“I came down in August and started here in October,” he said.

“Every day is a bit different, it’s one of the best parts of the job.

“Variety from the start, that makes everything a bit more interesting.

“You keep fit with your mates at the start of the day, and then you go out and you are scattered all over the Rocklands area – everybody doing a little bit different, track clearing in some areas, doing roading in different areas, cleaning up and maintaining campsites.”

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