Rowe family’s “special connection” to the area

THE Rowe family has owned land in Hamilton for generations and has now come back to where it all started. Rebecca, Richard and Margaret Rowe, stand happily outside Ted’s Roadhouse. Photo: BLAIR BURNS.

TED’S Roadhouse may just look like a regular service station where you fill up your vehicle and head on your way, but it’s much more than that.

The story of the Rowe family is rich with local history dating back more than 60 years and the family has a very “special connection” to both the roadhouse and the entire area.

The new service station is situated on the corner of Henty Highway and Highway, a place that Margaret, Richard and Rebecca Rowe all know well.

Margaret’s late husband, Ted, was the motivation and driving force behind the family taking the reins of running the roadhouse and helping it to be what it is today.

To honour him, the Rowe family made the decision to name it Ted’s Roadhouse.

Margaret’s son, Richard and his wife Rebecca, have both helped keep the Rowe name well-known across the local region.

In the 1950s to 1970s, the Rowes owned a plethora of land, including a service station where Bunnings now sits, a sawmill where Donohue’s Leisure resides, the speedway and the block where the roadhouse stands.

The family’s land portfolio started with the service station where Bunnings currently sits.

According to stories passed down through the family they didn’t want another service station built within five kilometres of theirs – this was said to be the reason why the family initially purchased so much neighbouring land.

ROWE’S Garage was the first land the family owned, situated where Bunnings currently is. The Rowe family can look out the window of Ted’s Roadhouse and see where the history began. Photo: SUPPLIED.

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