Dinosaurs visit local schools 

HAMILTON North Primary School had a special visit from some old friends this week. Through their outreach program, Museums Victoria travelled to western Victoria in the ‘museum in a van’ so local students could learn more about dinosaurs and fossils. Pictured with a life-sized cast of a Muttaburrasaurus skull are (from left) Grade 1 students, Damien Johnson and Fergus Cuttler, Museums Victoria learning facilitator, Ryan McCann, Grade 1 student, Katie Welst, Foundation student, Hayley Welst, (and front) Foundation student, Lucy Robertson, and Grade 1 student, Lewis Walter. Photo: GLENN GUY.

LIFE-SIZED casts of a Muttaburrasaurus skull, a Triceratops horn, teeth, a section of a frill and actual prehistoric fossils, were just some of the objects presented by Museums Victoria to students at Hamilton North Primary School last Wednesday.

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