WITH its location only metres away from a war memorial, the EV charging station has been the subject of controversy since its installation in April 2023. Despite a community survey approving its relocation by a 70 per cent majority, Southern Grampians Shire Council recently approached the RSL to switch the unit on as a temporary measure. Photo: GLENN GUY

RESIDENTS of Hamilton may be surprised to learn Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) recently approached the RSL to switch on the EV charging station at its present location, qualifying the request as only being temporary in nature and intended to save thousands of dollars.

The request followed last year’s backflip in July when the decision was taken to move the unit, after an overwhelmingly negative reaction to its installation three months earlier – the RSL and community were primarily concerned with the unit’s proximity to a war memorial.

The EV charger was one of two allocated by the State Government-run Destination Charging Across Victoria program, with one sited in Dunkeld and the other set up east of the Beersheba Memorial Park opposite the Uniting Church on Lonsdale Street in Hamilton.

Following the backlash, SGSG ran a two-week community survey in August to approve a new site, with the result being confirmed at a council meeting on September 13 – of 383 respondents, an overwhelming majority of 270 voted to move the unit to Hamilton Place, behind the Visitor Information Centre.

However, RSL president, Graeme Mustow said on Monday he had recently been approached by SGSC mayor, David Robertson to consider a temporary switch-on at the present location.

“They would like our approval to turn the charger on for two months,” he said.

“The reason being (it would cost) $48,000 to move it now from where it is to behind the information centre.

“But he said to me, if you let us turn it on for two months, it will only cost us $24-25,000.

Mr Mustow said the request had left him baffled and the RSL membership suspicious.

“He didn’t give me a reason why, but I just don’t understand how that could be,” he said.

“(I said) I’ll pass it on to all our members, and (the response) was a unanimous b**ger off.

“They’re all concerned that if we even turn it on, that it will be on forever.”

Mr Mustow said he felt trust had been broken with council and had contacted various government ministers, including the veterans affairs minister.

He added that despite a request from SGSC for a further meeting, he doubted the value of talking through the issue.

“My response to that was, after last week’s events, a meeting would be useless,” Mr Mustow said.

The Spectator sent a request to SGSC for comment on Monday, and received a reply close to deadline Tuesday, when SGSC Infrastructure and Sustainability director, Marg Scanlan emailed a short two-sentence response.

“Council has made a decision to relocate the EV Charging Unit,” she said.

“Council is seeking to meet with Hamilton RSL to update them on the timelines.”

After hearing of the latest statement, Mr Mustow said he was glad to hear there would be no switch-on and the relocation would go ahead.

“That’s just wonderful,” he said.

“That’s all we’ve ever wanted.”