DESPITE a changing national discourse around Australia Day with more than 80 local government authorities not proceeding with traditional citizenship ceremonies, and some commercial entities pulling Australia Day merchandise from their shelves, Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) will continue to host a series of traditional community celebrations.
Wannon MP and shadow minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Dan Tehan, blamed the Australian Government for what he said was “destabilising the importance of Australia Day” by allowing councils across Australia to refuse to conduct citizenship ceremonies on the national day.
Earlier this month he said, “the Albanese Government changed the rules to allow local councils to cancel their citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day, and 81 councils have now taken up that offer, according to new data published (December 31, 2023)”.
“Labor is undermining the significance of Australia Day and is laying the groundwork to abolish January 26 as Australia Day.
“It should be respected.”
Mr Tehan has pledged a future Coalition Government would force councils to hold citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day after more than a quarter of Victorian councils scrapped them.
In a statement to a major metropolitan newspaper, a spokesperson for Woolworths confirmed it had pulled Australia Day merchandise from its shelves, including at Big W, across the country citing “declining demand” and due to “broader discussion” about what January 26 “means to different parts of the community”.
The Woolworths Group said the decision to not stock extra paraphernalia for the public holiday was a business call.
“While Australian flags are sold within BIG W all year round, we don’t have any additional themed merchandise available to purchase in-store in our supermarkets or BIG W ahead of Australia Day,” the spokesperson said.
“We know many people like to use this day as a time to get together and we offer a huge variety of products to help customers mark the day as they choose.
“Woolworths and BIG W celebrate the best of Australia every day, and we’re proud to support the farmers, producers, and suppliers who work with us.”
On Thursday, Opposition leader Peter Dutton called for a boycott of Woolworths over its decision to stop stocking Australia Day merchandise.
He was purported to have joined some of his colleagues and other media outlets who have voiced outrage over the decision of Woolworths and Big W to no longer sell the Australia Day themed goods.
However, Agriculture Minister Murray Watt immediately came out and slammed Peter Dutton’s “priorities”.
“I think it really shows the kind of priorities of Peter Dutton,” Mr Watt said during a media conference on Thursday.
“Rather than thinking about the things that are priorities for Australians, like taking pressure off cost of living while not adding to inflation, he’s out there fighting yet another culture war, talking about what kind of products that supermarkets sell.”
Among the events to be hosted by SGSC, is the annual gathering at Hamilton Botanic Gardens, which will recognise the efforts of local volunteers.
SGSC mayor David Robertson will present awards for Young Citizen of the Year, Citizen of the Year, Community Event of the Year, and Community Recognition – as well as the Mayor’s Award.
“These community-led events will provide an opportunity for residents to get together and celebrate what a wonderful place our Shire is,” Cr Robertson said.
“It’s also a special time to formally acknowledge active citizenship and achievement.”
The celebration at Hamilton Botanic Gardens will also feature performances by the Hamilton Brass Band, the Hamilton Singers, and Footprints the Choir. Attendees will also enjoy a citizenship ceremony and a free light lunch.
All Australia Day events across the Shire will begin with a flag-raising ceremony and will offer attendees a complimentary meal.
Some of the gatherings will feature live music and guest speakers like former Council Chairman for Lions Club International, Bruce Hudgson OAM.
“I encourage residents to meet up with family, friends, and neighbours at their local Australia Day community celebration,” Cr Robertson said.
“I’d like to commend everyone who is volunteering their time to make them happen.”
SGSC events summary:
Hamilton Botanic Gardens
Free light lunch.
(Wet weather alternative is the Hamilton PAC)
Balmoral – Seymour Park
Guest speaker and free breakfast.
Branxholme Heritage Park
Free barbecue.
Byaduk Sports Pavilion
Free breakfast.
Cavendish Town Square
Guest speaker, community awards, and free breakfast.
Coleraine Tourist Information Centre
Guest speaker, community awards, and free breakfast.
Dunkeld Memorial Park, Parker Street
Guest speaker, community awards, and free breakfast.
Glenthompson Lions Park
3- 6pm
Guest speaker and free barbecue.
Penshurst Botanic Gardens
Guest speaker, community award, and free breakfast.
Tarrington Reserve Rotunda
Guest Speaker and free breakfast.