Lowest numbers since June 12

VICTORIA recorded five new COVD-19 cases and three deaths overnight, taking the state’s death toll to 787.

The deaths include one male in his 60s, one female in her 80s and one male in his 90s.

Premier, Daniel Andrews said all deaths were linked to aged care outbreaks. 

There are 49 Victorians in hospital, eight in intensive care and four of those are on a ventilator.

Mr Andrews said a total of 2,668,796, test results had been received since the beginning of the pandemic, an increase of 6807 since yesterday.   

“Again, I’ll take the opportunity to appeal to every single Victorian, if you’ve put off getting a test and you’ve got symptoms or had symptoms please go and get a test today,” he said.

“What could be a challenge to reopening is if we don’t see people coming forward get tested.

“We are well ahead of schedule, but we have to wait.

“This thing is silent, it moves rapidly, and you have to wait to see what happens because it is hidden for two to three weeks, you can’t know today what the impact of yesterday’s announcements until two or three weeks later.”

The 14-day rolling average continues to fall for metropolitan Melbourne to 20.3 as regional Victoria’s rolling average 0.6.

There were no new regional cases recorded and there are just nine active cases across the regions.

Mr Andrews hinted Victoria may be close to taking a “a really big step”.  

“This is the lowest daily case number for a very long time and it’s not so long ago that we were reporting not five cases, but 725 cases,” he said.

“We’ve come a long way. Victorians have given a lot. They have sacrificed a lot.

“And I am proud and deeply grateful for the work that every single Victorian is doing.

“We are so close to being able to take a really big step.

“A big step towards that COVID-normal.

“What is incredibly important now is that everyone keeps following the rules and keep doing the right thing.”