Fireworks cancelled

SOUTHERN Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) has made the “difficult decision” to cancel this year’s New Year’s Eve fireworks event.

SGSC chief executive, Michael Tudball said the decision was made in the interest of public safety. 

“We had to make the call in early October about whether to go ahead and unfortunately due the COVID restrictions at the time and the uncertainty around what public gathering limits would be, in the interest of public health and safety, we had to make the difficult decision not to go ahead,” he said.

“The Fireworks are usually the finale to the Rotary Club of Hamilton North’s New Year’s Eve Street Party, which was cancelled due to the pandemic, so this also factored into our decision.

“We reserved the funds for this event to allocate into youth focused events for 2021 and look forward to providing more information about those soon.

“We also look forward to bringing the Greater Hamilton New Year’s Eve Fireworks back in 2021 even bigger and better than ever.”

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