Let the celebrations begin

THAC student, Tess Dempsey, Good Shepherd College student, Sonia Tonissen and THAC’s Eliza Jagger were all pleasantly surprised to receive their ATAR scores on Wednesday. Photo: LAUREN HAY.

THE long and nervous wait is over for more than 64,800 students who officially received their Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) results Wednesday morning.

Students have been tested throughout 2020 in a way no teacher or textbook could have ever prepared them for, and the many sleepless nights have come down to one number.

Over 50,000 students undertook VCE in 2020 with the average ATAR received 68.14.

Female students averaged a score of 69.45 and the male cohort averaged 66.60.

However, out of the 38 students across the state that received a perfect score of 99.95, 32 of them were male.

A total of 14,215 students received a study score of 40 or above in at least one subject, putting them in the top nine per cent in the state.

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