Preventable death

A CORONER has found Ambulance Victoria (AV) failed former Hamilton woman, Kylie Cay in June 2016, when her call for emergency assistance was ignored.

A coronial inquest into the then 44-year-old Port Fairy woman’s death found a Triple Zero call was downgraded from a Code 1 emergency response and later cancelled despite an available ambulance sitting 700 metres from her home.

Ms Cay was found dead on her bathroom floor on June 22, 2016 by her mother and 13-year-old son, suffering a ruptured spleen.

The mother-of-three sustained the injuries after an altercation with her partner, Justin Turner, on June 18.

Mr Turner was serving a community corrections order at the time.

The court heard Turner dragged Ms Cay by her hair, before attacking her with a hammer and stomping her legs and ribs after he misplaced his cigarettes.

She then crawled outside and hid in a dog kennel for an hour while Turner looked for her, before going to hospital in Warrnambool.

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