AN application to construct a Christian church on Mt Baimbridge Road by Grace Fellowship has been approved by the Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC), notwithstanding continued disapproval from members of the community.
The application was submitted 12 months ago, and a consultation notice was then sent to surrounding landowners and occupiers, to which 19 written objections and 22 submissions in support were received.
Noise, increased traffic, dust, lack of fencing and concerns for the welfare of native fauna, were some of the reasons listed by objectors against the application for the Use and Development of a Place of Assembly, on the six-acre property.
The facility would be able to accommodate 120 people, with the potential for future expansion of up to 200.
SGSC’s acting director of planning and development, Belinda Johnson, addressed the unscheduled Council meeting on Wednesday night and said the merits of the application had been assessed.
“Against the relevant Planning Scheme policy and provisions, the proposal is considered to be an acceptable planning outcome,” she said.
“It is recommended that Council issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit with conditions which will assist in mitigating the issues raised and ensure the use and development are carried out in a suitable manner.”
Statements were read by objectors, including from some who were present at the meeting.
One nearby resident of the proposed site, Naomi Smith, said the construction of the church would “detrimentally affect all the lives of those who live in this area”.
Another, Heinz de Chelard, was also concerned about the decreased quality of life for the residents who lived nearby.
“My partner and I moved there because it was a quiet semi-rural area,” he said.
Mr de Chelard said they had already observed decreased amenity due to other activity up Mt Baimbridge Road.
“We would like our quality of life to remain as it is,” he said.
“We are not opposed to the church – we do agree with the Council’s restrictions proposed because noise is a significant problem.
“Our house has very thick walls and double-glazed windows and we can still hear ‘doof doof’ music.”
Cr Albert Calvano addressed Mr de Chelard and asked about the other public facilities nearby that create noise pollution.
“You talk about noise – you’ve got the noise factor from the motor racing, also the gymnastics and also you’ve got the motorcycle club to the right – that’s all noise isn’t it?” he asked.
Mr de Chelard replied, “it is noise, but we were aware of those noise sources when we moved there”.
“We hear the noise from the racing track as I am sure everyone in Hamilton does.”
The proposed use of the church and site comprises weekly church services, regular and occasional meetings, group breakfasts, working bees, weddings, funerals, other functions and activities as required, with the days and hours of operation from Sunday to Saturday 9am-10pm.
The place of assembly would be around 900 square metres and would contain a 165 square metre worship area with designated areas for children’s ministry, creche, offices, kitchen and bathroom facilities.
Cr Mary Ann Brown addressed Council and said she commended the motion.
“I think the other point I would like to make, and I hope the church doesn’t take this the wrong way, but as you know, one of the tenets of the Christian faith is ‘love thy neighbour’,” she said.
“So, I would hope that there will be good neighbour relations between the proponents and their neighbours.
“I think we’ve probably struck the right balance.”
The motion was carried by Council.
Associate pastor, Megan Garland, said the Grace Fellowship church executive were thrilled with Council’s decision to approve the building.
“We are really happy,” she said.
“Its purpose has always been as a church and we intend to always to be good neighbours.
“At this stage we are uncertain as to when we will start construction – but we’re excited to be able to proceed now.”