Celebrated for service above and beyond

DEDICATION above and beyond … Southern Grampians Shire Council’s Community Recognition Awards recipients, 2022 – (front, L-R) Neil Henry, Ashley Binney, Robyn Agnew, Leigh Coggins, Heather Funk, (second row, L-R) Jackie Peacock, Ama Cooke, Herman Jensen, Wendy Prust, Simon McGugan, Frank Raymond, (third row, L-R) Mia McGrath, John Graham, John Smith, Kay Parker, (back L-R) David Appleton, Di McLean and James Parker. (Dr Brian Coulson, David Mutch and Robert Baillie absent.) Photo: TASH FRANKO.

SOUTHERN Grampians’ outstanding contributors are being celebrated with the shire’s Community Recognition Awards, presented at the Australia Day ceremony in the Hamilton Botanic Gardens.

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