PORT FAIRY’S 40th annual Show ‘n’ Shine is on again this weekend, with a cruise around town on this evening and the spectacular, much anticipated car show on Sunday, January 8, at Southcombe Park Oval between 10am-1pm. The car show is hosted by local car club, the South West Street Rodders, based in Hamilton. Pictured are club members, Terry Arnel with pride and joy, a 1950 blaze yellow, Buick Super Coupe and son, Jack Arnel, with a 1937 Chevrolet sedan. Photo: GLENN GUY.
Lizzie Hallam
OVER 500 ‘hot rods’ are expected to rumble into town for the 40th annual Port Fairy Rod Run this weekend, the second biggest event of the year for Port Fairy, after the Folk Festival.
TYRENDARRA completed the perfect home and away season in the Hamilton and District Cricket Association A grade competition with victory against Pigeon Ponds at...