Mother’s heart full on Sunday 

TOMORROW is Mother’s Day and for Adelaide Clay (second from right), the occasion is meaningful and special to her for multiple reasons. With her are (from left) Adiah, 10; Maranatha, 8; Zadok, 7; Keturah, 3; Ezekiel, 1; husband, Nathanael; Selah, 5; Hadassah, 4 and Talitha, 4 months. “I’m looking forward to spending time with the children and people that God’s given me to love,” Adelaide said. More Mother’s Day photos on page 12. Photo: MARK RABICH.

TOMORROW is Mother’s Day and for Adelaide Clay (second from right), the occasion is meaningful and special to her for multiple reasons. With her are (from left) Adiah, 10; Maranatha, 8; Zadok, 7; Keturah, 3; Ezekiel, 1; husband, Nathanael; Selah, 5; Hadassah, 4 and Talitha, 4 months. “I’m looking forward to spending time with the children and people that God’s given me to love,” Adelaide said. More Mother’s Day photos on page 12. Photo: MARK RABICH.

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