Southern Grampians Shire Council chief executive, Tony Doyle expressed his disappointment in the recent theft and said, “Our team spent a great deal of time, effort and money on improving this beautiful asset for visitors and our community, so it’s very disheartening to see this senseless vandalism occur.” Also adding to the recent acts of trashing public property, last weekend 10 young trees on Coleraine Road were destroyed in the middle of the night. If anyone has information that could assist in finding the people responsible, please contact the SGSC or Hamilton Police. Photos: SUPPLIED.
THE newly installed picnic table (inset) at the Mount Baimbridge lookout appears to have been taken to by an angle grinder and stolen over the weekend.
After slashing the cost of a V/Line ticket through the regional fare cap, the Government is now boosting train frequency on the Warrnambool, Ballarat,...