Local paper makes historic impression 

INK makes impressions on paper, but in this case, paper also left an impression on (top) editor, Mark Rabich, standing in front of the soon-to-be-decommissioned Hamilton Spectator press. Sitting down with a cuppa and a copy of the Hamilton Spectator (and some other rag) at the local café just after 8am last Saturday is Harrow local, Lachie Turner, in a scene likely similar to many others across the region. At 90, Lachie was born in the district when the Spec was already 75 years old. Photos: GLENN GUY and MARK RABICH.

I’VE been very privileged to have a run as editor of this newspaper and to add to its 165-year history, albeit in just a small way; 12 months is hardly a drop in the bucket of the many decades of news reported at the Hamilton Spectator, but my name will be on that list all the same.

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