Contrast of local wet and dry conditions

Travel back to two years ago and observe the contrast in rainfall with this season. PHOTOS: GLENN GUY & LARA FITZPATRICK
WANNON Falls was delivering significant levels of water in September 2022 at the beginning of Hamilton’s wettest spring on record.
NOW in winter 2024, the unseasonal dry of the last few months has diminished the water flow to a mere trickle.
WITH 108 and 89 millimetres of rain falling in August and September 2022 respectively, Nigretta Falls was similarly torrential in its water flow.
NIGRETTA Falls now lies relatively still, with almost no water disturbing the water below.

THE path next to Grange Burn near Portland Road was flooded in August 2022.

THERE is no risk of water blocking the path in July 2024.