It’s a boomer

1 Uren Court, Hamilton. 
Price $785,000.00 WIWO 
Contact Nic Cullinane at Southern Grampians Livestock and Real Estate, Thompson Street, Hamilton on 0409 711641

IF you have ever wanted to live comfortably and thoroughly enjoy genuine work life balance then this week we have the opportunity for you to do so for the price of an ordinary home. 

This is a genuine opportunity for someone interested in people looking to operate their own easily run business with minimum outlay, eminently manageable operating costs and with opportunity to improve and develop the capital asset in a staged and sustainable manner.

Our feature property, operating as Boomers Guest House at 1 Uren Court, Hamilton, started life as an accommodation facility for employees of Hamilton Ability Industries in 1985. 

In the preceding 12 months or so Hamilton North Rotary Club took on the massive project of building the home for these employees and it stands as a genuine and lasting monument to community spirit and a wonderful example of achievement by committed volunteers willing to contribute to the community in which they live. 

When the home was finished it comprised some 68,000 bricks so like any monument it was built to last and be a continuing reminder of that effort. 

Within two years the peripatetic nature of government meant it would not be operationally funded and it ultimately came on to the market as a home comprising multiple bedrooms, communal style bathrooms, a central kitchen and self-contained management accommodation.