33 Bella Vista Place, Hamilton. 
Price $799,000.00. 
Contact Sam Groves at Groves Real Estate, Cnr Gray and Brown Streets, Hamilton on 0400 547207

THE Boxing Day sales are on and as well as bargain lines of gifts, electrical and clothing you also have the offer of great real estate at tempting prices. 

I am sure many of you have thought about building a new home and might have been a little deterred by the hassles associated with building. 

Delays with material, difficulties with tradesmen, extras incurred through minor changes and upgrades etc and all this after the rigors of planning and building permit issues that come with developing the dream. 

There are a lot of unforeseen problems with building and, as with a lot of things, if someone else does the work and you come in shortly after you can reap the benefit of their work at a very fair price.