12-HOUR SHEAR-OFF –  Fundraiser set for families of RCH patients 

RAISING funds by shearing around 2000 sheep for Ronald McDonald House (RMH) from 5am in the morning was the idea of (front) Ken Bungard and Tara Stephens after they had a 10-day stay there following the birth of their first child, Cruz, in February 2023. Ken said there will be a team (some pictured) including 20 shearers, two wool classers, 18 shed staff and “a couple of local farming families (that) have donated their time to help out the back in the yard”. After the finish at 5pm, representatives from RMH will be present to accept the cheque. Photo: MARK RABICH.

AFTER a high-risk pregnancy and the subsequent medical care needed at the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) in Melbourne for their new-born child early last year, shearer Ken Bungard and partner Tara Stephens found themselves very grateful to be offered the option of Ronald McDonald House (RMH) as a place to stay.

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