Cattle numbers double at improved market
A LARGE increase in numbers for Monday’s Mortlake cattle market was recorded, with 946 head yarded.
Canola pricing raises long-term planning challenges
CANOLA pricing has fluctuated considerably in the last three years after several decades of a much smaller range of values, contributing to challenges for farmers in risk and debt management, decision making on input costs and market access.
Canola pricing raises long-term planning challenges
CANOLA pricing has fluctuated considerably in the last three years after several decades of a much smaller range of values, contributing to challenges for farmers in risk and debt management, decision making on input costs and market access.
Feeding livestock for profit
A SEMINAR on Thursday, September 14, sponsored by J M Ellis & Co, at Tarrington with presentations by Animal Innovations and Management (AIM) senior technical sales specialist, Rob Coburn and technical sales specialist, Matt Hall, on the topic of ‘Feeding Livestock for Profit’ was well attended.
Young dairy farmers put their brains trust to work at Noorat
SOUTH-WEST dairy farmers put their thinking caps on and their general knowledge to the test at the WestVic Dairy Young Dairy Network (YDN) Trivia Night on Friday, September 1.
Trade cattle quality improves
MORTLAKE agents yarded 625 head on Monday representing a decrease of 180 head on last week’s market.
Market strengthens after rain restricts delivery
HAMILTON agents yarded 2150 lambs alongside 800 sheep at Wednesday’s market.
Cream rising to the top
A NEW report has found Victorian dairy farmers enjoyed one of their most profitable 12 months in the last 17 years.
Red meat pricing differentials
HUGE disparities in the price of red meat through the livestock exchange compared to the price consumers are paying at supermarkets has been reported by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA).
New vacant property tax potentially hits farmers
THE residential vacancy tax previously limited to Melbourne only has been extended to regional areas, immediately provoking strong reactions from the State Opposition, the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) and other housing industry stakeholders.
AUSTRALIAN barley exporters are re-entering the Chinese market after China removed the 80.5 per cent duty on the product in early August, benefiting both Australian producers and Chinese consumers.
Prices slip in all categories, especially trade cattle
MORTLAKE agents yarded 700 head on Monday representing a decrease of 270 on the previous market.