Record lamb and mutton production
AUSTRALIA produced the most lamb on record in the 2022 calendar year, with the past quarter recording the most lamb meat ever produced in a quarter at 149,385 tonnes, according to Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) - four per cent more than the previous record set in June 2018.
Winning the war for talent on farm
We are all well aware of the affect the shortage people – especially skilled ones – is having on dairy farms in south-west Victoria.
Winter cattle market softer and numbers decrease
MORTLAKE agents yarded 825 cattle on Monday, a decrease of 370 on the previous week’s offering.
Good offering of medium and heavy lambs
HAMILTON agents yarded 2800 lambs and 230 sheep at Wednesday’s market, representing a slight increase in numbers to the previous week.
Flood recovery – Vic farmers’ perspective
VICTORIAN farmers and industry advisers have discussed the impact of the high rainfall, storms and floods last Spring and early Summer in an online video released by the National Centre for Farmer Health (NCFH).
Just to be clear – we are discussing sheep. What you choose to do in your own time and place is for you – but this is about sheep.
Suffolk – Feature sheep show breed
FEATURE breed for the Hamilton & Western District Sheep Show at Sheepvention 2023, the Suffolk, did not disappoint in terms of the number entered and of quality exhibits.
Giving more sheep shearers the best start with specialist training
VICTORIA’S next generation of sheep shearers are kick-starting their careers with access to more affordable training and technology-based learning, thanks to a State Government initiative.
Local stud wins top Merino ram ribbon
TREVOR and Kathy Mibus, Glenara Merinos, Dunkeld, continue their reign, winning Supreme Champion Merino Ram again this year with their ultrafine wool ram sired by a new bloodline from Conrayn Merinos in New South Wales.
Numbers increase
NUMBERS increased by 175 head at Mortlake on Monday for a total yarding of 1080.
Mixed market slows ahead of Sheepvention
HAMILTON agents could only manage 1800 lambs and 700 sheep at Wednesday’s market, being less than half of last week’s offering, relating perhaps to recent price reductions and coinciding with Hamilton Sheepvention happening this week.
Cattle competition lifts across the board
COMBINED agents yarded 225 cattle at Friday’s Hamilton market with stronger competition on all grades.