Five key tips for silage this season
CAPITALISING on any spring surplus will be critical on farms this year.
Proactive LRTAV – highlighting cyber security in business
The Livestock and Rural Transporters Association of Victoria (LRTAV) had their annual conference in Shepparton on August 16 and 17.
Spring sale clears 30 bulls
GLATZ Black Angus enjoyed great success at their second annual Spring Cattleman’s Bull Sale on Monday September 9, which augments their long-standing February Bull Sale, in Avenue Range, South Australia.
Outlook for farming and land prices
SEPTEMBER is always a critical time in south-western Victoria.
Telehandler licence courses now available
IN late January Worksafe announced the introduction of a new Telehandler Licence for operation of a non-slewing Telehandler with three tonne or greater capacity.
Kilmaille – comfortable, stylish, sustainable, ethical
DESCENDING from a line of farmers and wool growers, Malcolm and Sue McClure have a love of wool securely attached in their genes.
Aussie opportunities
FARMING in a new country means new opportunities for Jacquelien Pol.
THERE is no question that science plays a massive part in good agricultural production.
Similar yarding to previous cattle sale
THE last prime market for August saw numbers remain similar to that of previous market, with the usual buyers in attendance.
Virtual fencing a step closer for Victoria
THE Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) has welcomed the partnership between Agriculture Victoria and Halter in trialling the use of virtual fencing technology at the government’s Ellinbank Smartfarm.
Rabobank Graduate Program 2025 Open
UNIVERSITY graduates passionate about agriculture are being offered the opportunity to commence their careers with Rabobank.
Call out for new dairy board members
WESTVIC Dairy Board applications are open for those who would like the opportunity to contribute their skills and experience to help create a vibrant, profitable, and valued dairy industry.