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The Government is letting the wild dogs out!

NO. You did not misread the title. Yes. Our government is taking away your right to protect your stock and any other animal from Wild dogs and Dingoes. Why? Well, it’s all politics.

2024 crop disease guides available online 

FARMERS can now download the 2024 editions of the cereal and pulse disease guides to help make informed decisions around disease management.

MLA appoints Michael Crowley

MICHAEL Crowley has been announced as the new managing director of the Meat and Livestock Association (MLA), starting on May 27.

Avian flu ruffling feathers 

A LOCAL veterinarian has issued a warning following confirmation that Agriculture Victoria was investigating a number of poultry deaths at egg farms near Meredith and Terang.

Late break lambing field day attendance exceeds expectations 

A FIELD Day on Tuesday – ‘Managing the late break’ - was expecting attendance of about 40 farmers, but 350 showed up, an astonishing 775 per cent over the estimation.

Telehandler changes afoot 

IN late January Worksafe announced the introduction of a new Telehandler, or ‘TV’ licence for operation of a Telehandler with three tonne or greater capacity.

Interest jumps in rural GP career 

DATA released earlier this week by Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand (Medical Deans) revealed a growing interest from medical graduates in pursuing a career as a rural generalist.

Livestock Transport Agenda Set 

THE Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association of Australia (ALRTA) held it combined annual conference with the Queensland branch in April.

Local scientist issues alert 

SOUTHERN Scientific Services principal, Larry Walker has expressed concern there is a very high danger to livestock of staggers from perennial ryegrass and phalaris as well as the risk of phalaris sudden death syndrome.

World Bee Day focussed on farming 

NEXT Monday, May 20 is World Bee Day, the purpose of which is to increase knowledge and awareness of the critical role of bees and other pollinators for the ecosystem, particularly including agriculture.

Farmers walk out on Ag minister’s speech

THE National Farmers’ Federation and other industry representatives staged an unprecedented walk-out during agriculture minister, Murray Watt’s post-Budget speech on Wednesday morning to make a statement about the recent live sheep export ban and issuing a warning to all farming sectors.

Planning for farming succession 

To support South-west Victorian families understand the succession planning process, WestVic Dairy recently facilitated a session discussing the topic on Thursday, April 11 in Cobden.

Motorcyclists set to fly this weekend

Hamilton Motorcycle Club will stage a section of the Western Region series at its home track at Marshalls Road this Saturday and Sunday, with...